Writers Who Inspired Me This Month

Boy did I have a rough few weeks. One thing after another went wrong. I got to the point where I just wanted to shut the world out for a bit. How did I do that? I pulled out a book and sat down to read.

This is the part where you Christian writers have a huge impact on readers. I found encouragement and strength in several books that pointed me to Christ, and gave me the edification I needed to keep going. It’s amazing how much we can glean and take with us through the week from even a Christian fictional work.

Here’s a list of the authors that inspired me through some tough days:

  • Carrie Fancett Pagels: Return to Shirley Plantation- A Civil War Romance Novella
    1. Carrie does a great job showing life on a plantation during the Civil War. She also opened my eyes to a little known fact. Her story revolved around a slave who was 1/8 African yet looked white and her niece and nephew who also appeared to be white but were slaves.
  • Kate Hodges: The Other Side of Miracles: Looking at the Miracles of Jesus in a New Way
    1. Kate does an exquisite job relaying the miracles of Jesus from the perspective of the people who received them. I loved how she dug into their lives and personal history to show why they needed a touch from the Savior.
  • Diane E. Tatum: Gold Earrings
    1. Diane’s novel was a fun story about a woman who ventures out to find her own way in the Midwest. Although she didn’t stick to the traditional view of the nineteenth century, I was encouraged by her message of the importance of looking on the inner man and not the outer one.
  • Christa Allan: Walking on Broken Glass
    1. Christa’s novel really made me think. She wrote in deep point of view about addiction and breaking the cycle through her main character. I was inspired by her style of writing. Her voice is very unique and I can’t wait to find more books written by her. 

If you haven’t had a chance to read any of these, take the time to get your hands on them. You’ll be encouraged and uplifted by the message God gave these writers.

28 thoughts on “Writers Who Inspired Me This Month

  1. Thanks so much for letting me know about your blog post, ERIN!!! I am so glad my story inspired you this past week! Since Return to Shirley Plantation has been published, two of my close friends told me that they had discovered that they have African ancestry! I'd not have thought so for either. It simply isn't discussed, either! But this was a huge point the abolitionists used during the Civil War. Blessings!


  2. LOVED Carrie's book, Erin, so not one bit surprised it blessed you during a difficult time. If you think the book is encouraging and uplifting, though, you should meet the author — AMAZING!! 🙂


  3. You are so right about good books helping you through hard times! I was in the ER with my hubby Sunday night and reading Roseanna White's newest, and it really helped me not panic as they tested my hubby for cardiac issues. Thank God, he was fine, but that book really helped me focus on something other than my personal panic in the moment! I read Carrie's beautiful novella, and it was wonderful. I learned things, too, and I am a lifelong Civil War buff. Terrific blog post! The other books sound terrific, too.


  4. I think that's wonderful that Carrie and her story has inspired you Erin! She inspires me also!! And more times than I can count, books have taken me through rough times also. Praise the Lord for authors! Btw, I love the look of your blog!


  5. What a great post ERIN! It is so true that reading a good book can help you through the bad times! All of these books sound truly amazing but I have to say I am partial to Carrie's! 🙂 It is a beautiful story and so inspiring. Thanks for sharing this with us!


  6. When I went to the writers' conference in Philly, I got my hands on some amazing books and met the authors. It was a great way to get to know some new writers and their work. I'm going to incorporate these in my monthly book reviews.


  7. So sorry for the delay in thanking you for this mention of my novel. I'm humbled by your kind words, and I'm so touched that Leah's voice and journey resonated for you.

    My husband recently opened his own business, and I've had precious little time to cruise online, write or breathe anything that isn't remotely related to veterinary clinics…maybe another book there…


  8. Thanks so much Christa. I have a manuscript out on circulation to agents(still working on getting one) about a young woman who goes to rehab. It's very different from yours, but I was very encouraged to see that my ideas fit with the rehab environment in your book.

    I can't wait to get my hands on some of your other books.


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